Hey mom, so when I was reading your email, I just had the impression I needed to send you and email, not about my week or anything, but this is just for you.
I find it interesting your first comments are about wishing for more revelation in your life, and your teaching a RS lesson on understanding the holy ghost... the Lord works in such misterious ways lol. I love talking to you, and I think after my mission I will hopefully be able to help you more, with a little more life experience, but for now, you are still far ahead of me. But, I will try my best to give advice. For me during the day I have realized and recongized how the Holy Ghost speaks to me. Normally its a thought that will come into my mind, and the more I think about it the better I feel. So for instance, if we needed to go somewhere contacting, I say "ok HF, we are looking for a new ami, or we are looking to do service today, where should we go" and immedately something happens, or I get a thought of where to go. Like for instance last night, we had an hour of contacting block before dinner and the minute I stepped outside of my apartment I thought hey we need to walk towards the church. Well we met 3 people who needed service on that route. I know that was the Holy Ghost, and it wasnt anything grand, or spectacular, just an ordinary everyday thought, I've been able to see so much more of HF plan for his children while I have been on the mission. I know we are inspired everyday without even knowing it.
Thank you for sharing these great messages. They are being read and appreciated and touch and uplift. I hope you are printing and saving these, or plan to create a blog book so Ashley can look back and remember the great and humbling experiences she's had. She has a good family and it's good to get a glimpse of you, through her.