Handwritten letter dated 8/28/2014 ( Just before Grandpa's passing on Sept. 5th)
One of the hardest things I've ever had to do as a missionary ( might ever have to do let's pray) was to visit a widow who's husband just died of cancer two weeks ago. She's only in her forties and they have a 5 year old son. She's from Tennessee so she spoke perfect English so I pretty much took over on that one, ha ha. But the minute I walked into her home I felt an immediate love for this woman. I have never felt anything like it before. I felt the healing power of the Atonement working in her. I felt most of all God's love for his grieving child. As I sat there and talked with her my heart was pained and I could feel exactly what love and charity are. She told me of her last moments with him and how she's been coping with his loss. It was so hard to hear her, but for some reason I was so full of the spirit and for a brief moment got a much bigger picture of the Plan of Salvation. The knowledge that God was telling her He's right here and you will be together forever. Though the father left behind a young family, she told me she knew that God needed him up there more than he was needed on earth.
In a quote by Thomas S Monson, he says it best. " Difficulties come into our lives, problems we do not anticipate and which we would never choose. None of us is immune. The purpose of mortality is to learn and grow to be more like our Father, and it is often during difficult times that we learn the most, as painful as the lessons may be."
The trial that she is going through I have never experienced, but through the Spirit and power I have been given somehow I can grieve with her. My love for her and knowledge for her future was enlightened by my calling. As we left I was able to say a prayer, I felt the Holy Ghost working with me and I gave a blessing on the home, and family. Something I did not fully know I had the power to do as a Sister, but as a missionary we are given a much greater authority. I'm not sure I even knew how great my purpose was until I was given the opportunity to use it. So far it has been the greatest and hardest moment as a missionary. We asked to come back ands she gladly said yes. For some reason we connected, and I'm so grateful to have had that experience to go to her home. I've been reading a lot on the Atonement and in that moment I could see it more than I ever have in my entire life, at least the healing power over trials. Christ's atonement was the greatest gift of all mankind and I got to witness it.
I just got caught up on reading your blog. It really uplifted me. I have been sad since Grandpa died but reading about your testimony and experiences helped me keep things in perspective. I am glad that you are happier and more comfortable now. Hang in there and know that we all love you.