Sunday, November 15, 2015

Preparing for return & release

Dear Stevens Family,
President Petersen wanted to share with you the normal order of things that will need to take place on the day of Sister Stevens's return. This is surely an exciting time. Here's how it works, you pick up your daughter on the 10th of December from the airport as planned. When you all are in the car pulling out of airport parking please call president Petersen on his cell (503)480-4024 and let him know you are leaving and what time you expect you will be able to meet him in west Salem.(i.e. You may stop for Dinner etc..) He will tell you where he will meet you when you call. It is often a good idea to call him again when you get on Salem Parkway and let him know you are on time and a few minutes away.  When you you meet with President Petersen he will officially release Sister Stevens.  Also on Sunday December 13th Sister Stevens will need to meet with the High Council and give her report.  After this report she is then eligible to speak in sacrament meetings as invited. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 
Chris Johnson

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