Sunday, May 18, 2014

Getting Down to Business

Since my report date seems to be closing in out of nowhere I decided it would be a good time to create a blog! I hope this will be a good way to keep in touch throughout my mission. I figured my mom could keep uploading my posts as needed, especially since I'm not sure about computers there, nor where I'll be in France or Belgium. I will try my best to write as much as I can and hopefully give you some crazy stories of life in the mission field.

On the upside I was able to have my french interview for the MTC. The guy that called had an Arabic accent in English, I was nervous to hear the French haha. But it went fine, and he then told me a little bit about what he thinks my MTC experience will be like. He told me there would be 10 of us, or 5 companionships for my mission district. AWESOME... no for real I think it'll be great to get to know these people so well. I have no doubt we will all do our best to serve, and try our best to learn the language. I'll be in the MTC for 6 weeks, so roughly the middle/end of August I'll actually be in Paris.... That's pretty crazy to think haha.

Andrew keeps speaking to me in French which trying to understand  is useless. Lets be honest what French I did know, was lost the minute I left my final in the testing center at BYUI haha. I'm really trying to get better at Preach My Gospel in English, before I have to go over and memorize it in French. Not going to lie, I'm already struggling to grasp how much gospel study I will do in a few weeks. For now I will try my best to do what I can and possibly still enjoy what time I have left in Oregon... maybe the coast sometime soon :)

For now I'll post updates of any change in information until I leave.

Sister Stevens